
Visit The Hub

Come and see us at The Hub in Gloucestershire, we can go through everything you need to know about your EQ BANDS™, through biomechanics with you and your horse to a personalised exercise programme for you off the horse, using your bands and/or ball. We offer training to coaches, pilates trainers, therapists etc... who want to stock and use EQ BANDS™ as part of their training. 

For those riders further afield and for clinics please do contact one of our wonderful Accredited EQ Bands Coaches below who will be more than happy to help, and equally we are also more than happy to get you in comms. 

So if you are keen to help riders and therefore their horses as much as us, via being one of our EQ BANDS™ Coaches, fill in the application form or if you want to come over to The Hub pop us a message in that nifty little box below or you can book in online. 

Conigree Court, Conigree Road, Newent, Gloucester GL18 1NF

The postcode should bring you to our gate - note there are two entrances, please come to the yard and not the main house. If coming in something bigger than a 7.5 tonne lorry turn into Newent town from Ross Road at The Kings Arms pub (large cross roads). Once in the town turn right onto Watery Lane and turn right at the big brick house at the end of the road which will bring you to us. Otherwise you should be fine coming straight from Ross Road (turn up Conigree Road and we are just at the top of the hill on the left).

Contact form

EQBANDS Stockists

Dee So'oialo - EQ Bands Founder and Distributor

Dynamic Performance Hub

Dee So'oialo - EQ Bands Founder and Distributor

Clare Thompson

Wiltshire, Gloucestershire

Erica Winters

Kent and Sussex Borders

Helen Bampton

Lincolnshire and Surrounding Boarders

Jo Winfield

Worcestershire, Gloucestershire, Isle of Man

Karzan Hughes

Sheffield and surrounding areas. Abroad inc USA